Training > Certifications

HACCP certification for employees and / or managers
The HACCP course for Food Workers and those responsible for self-control in food activities. It lasts 4 hours for Employees and 8 hours for Managers and a variable updating period for each Region.
Passengers with Reduced Mobility (PRM) certification for airport workers.
Basic training course – made mandatory by the ENAC Circular GEN 02A of 19 December 2014-concerning the rules relating to assistance to be offered at the airport to Passengers with Reduced Mobility. The course offers useful tips on different skills and helps to manage the relationship correctly.
The course lasts 4 hours.
The ENAC legislation provides for a subsequent 2-hour refresher course every 2 years.

Airport Security Training
– Cat. A1 (paragraph Regulation (EU) 2015/1998 and subsequent amendments)
Who is the Training aimed at?
Personnel who carries out the control (screening) of people, hand baggage, objects carried and hold baggage.
- Airport operator
- Security institutions
Learning Objectives
The main objectives are the achievement of the mastery of screening techniques, including manual inspection techniques, the ability to use radiogenic equipment and apparatuses for the search of metals and/or explosives to recognize and identify suspicious and prohibited objects and take appropriate action.
– Cat. A2 (paragraph Regulation (EU) 2015/1998 and subsequent amendments)
Who is the Training aimed at?
Personnel for screening air cargo/mail
- Airport operator
- Security institutions
- Regulated agent
Learning Objectives
The main objectives are the achievement of mastery of screening techniques, including manual inspection techniques, the ability to use radiogenic equipment and devices for detecting metals and/or explosives to identify and detect suspicious and prohibited objects. and take appropriate action.
– Cat. A3 (paragraph Regulation (EU) 2015/1998 and subsequent amendments)
Who is the Training aimed at?
Personnel screening mail or material of air carriers, in-flight supplies, and airport supplies
- Airport operator (or the security institutions)
- known supplier of in-flight supplies
- Regulated supplier of in-flight supplies
Learning Objectives
The main objectives are the achievement of the mastery of screening techniques, including manual inspection techniques, the ability to use radiogenic equipment and apparatuses to search for metals and/or explosives (if applicable) to recognize and identify objects suspected and prohibited and take appropriate action.
– Cat. A4 (paragraph Regulation (EU) 2015/1998 and subsequent amendments)
Who is the Training aimed at?
Screening personnel performing vehicle control.
- Airport operator (or the security institutions)
- State Body
Learning Objectives
The main objective is to ensure that the personnel assigned to these tasks apply standardized security control methods to safeguard civil aviation from carrying out acts of unlawful interference.
– Cat. A5 (paragraph Regulation (EU) 2015/1998 and subsequent amendments)
Who is the Training aimed at?
Aviation security personnel for airport access controls, surveillance & patrols
- Airport operator (or the security institutions)
- State Body
Learning Objectives
The main objective is to ensure that the personnel assigned to these tasks apply standardized security control methods to safeguard civil aviation from carrying out acts of unlawful interference.
– Cat. A6 (paragraph Regulation (EU) 2015/1998 and subsequent amendments)
Who is the Training aimed at?
Personnel who carries out aircraft safety inspections.
- Airport operator (or the security institutions)
- Aircraft carrier- ground crew
- Handler
Learning Objectives
The main objective is to ensure that the personnel of the aircraft carrier and/or of the handler carries out the security inspection of the aircraft applying standardized security control methodologies to safeguard civil aviation from carrying out acts of unlawful interference.
– Cat. A7 (paragraph Regulation (EU) 2015/1998 and subsequent amendments)
Who is the Training aimed at?
Personnel protection: Aircraft Security
- Airport operator (or the security institutions)
- Aircraft carrier- ground crew
- Handler
Learning Objectives
The main objective is to ensure that the personnel of the aircraft carrier and/or of the handler carries out the security inspection of the aircraft applying standardized security control methodologies to safeguard civil aviation from carrying out acts of unlawful interference.
– Cat. A8 (paragraph Regulation (EU) 2015/1998 and subsequent amendments)
Who is the Training aimed at?
Baggage reconciliation staff
- Aircraft carrier- ground crew
- Handler
Learning Objectives
The main objective is to ensure that the personnel of the aircraft carrier and/or of the handler carries out the security inspection of the aircraft applying standardized security control methodologies to safeguard civil aviation from carrying out acts of unlawful interference.
– Cat. A9 (paragraph Regulation (EU) 2015/1998 and subsequent amendments)
Who is the Training aimed at?
Personnel implementing security controls other than screening for cargo and mail
- regulated agent
- known consignor
Learning Objectives
The main objective is to achieve mastery of conducting security checks and to prevent the introduction of prohibited items into cargo and mail.
– Cat. A10 (paragraph Regulation (EU) 2015/1998 and subsequent amendments)
Who is the Training aimed at?
Personnel implementing security controls other than screening for air carrier mail and materials, in-flight supplies, and airport supplies
- Known Suppliers
- known supplier of in-flight supplies
- Regulated supplier of in-flight supplies
Learning Objectives
L’obiettivo principale è acquisire la padronanza dell’esecuzione dei controlli di sicurezza al fine di prevenire ragionevolmente l’introduzione di articoli proibiti nella posta, nel materiale del vettore aereo e nelle forniture a bordo.
– Cat. A11 (paragraph 11.2.4 Regulation (EU) 2015/1998 and subsequent amendments)
Who is the Training aimed at?
Supervisors of screeners implementing security controls
- Airport operator (or the security institutions)
Learning Objectives
The main objective is to ensure that the supervisor implements security checks (passenger, hand luggage, hold baggage, cargo, and mail) acquires knowledge of the principles of aviation safety, national and international safety rules, and competence of the techniques for monitoring the compliance of the work of security control officers.
– Cat. A12 and A12 bis (paragraph 11.2.5 Regulation (EU) 2015/1998 and subsequent amendments)
Who is the Training aimed at?
Aviation security managers
- Airport operator
- Vector
- Handler
- Regulated agent
- Regulated supplier
Learning Objectives
The main objective is to ensure that the security manager or national security acquires knowledge of the principles of aviation security, national and international security rules, and the competence of compliance monitoring techniques.
– Cat. A13 (paragraph 11.2.6 Regulation (EU) 2015/1998 and subsequent amendments)
Who is the Training aimed at?
Persons other than passengers requiring unescorted access to security areas, and who do not come under points A1, A4, A5, A11, to A12/bis, receive training in security consciousness before they obtain permission allowing unescorted access to security zones.
Learning Objectives
The main objective is to ensure that staff understand the need to apply security measures and are aware of the responsibilities of the different entities operating within an airport, thus collaborating to avoid the carrying out of acts of unlawful interference.
– Cat. A14 (paragraph 11.2.7 Regulation (EU) 2015/1998 and subsequent amendments)
Who is the Training aimed at?
General security awareness
- Regulated agent
- known shipper
- Regulated supplier
- known supplier of in-flight supplies
- hauliers
Learning Objectives
The main objective is to ensure that the staff understand the need for the application of security measures, thus collaborating to avoid the carrying out of acts of unlawful interference.
– Cat. A15 (paragraph 11.2.7 Regulation (EU) 2015/1998 and subsequent amendments)
Who is the Training aimed at?
General security awareness
- self-handling aircraft carrier (ground personnel performing self-handling services)
- local contact person of the aircraft carrier
- Handler
Learning Objectives
The main objective is to ensure that the aircraft carrier and/or handler personnel apply standardized security measures to safeguard civil aviation from carrying out acts of unlawful interference.
Eipass Certification
The EIPASS IT certification attests knowledge of:
- IT security, active and passive (Eipass IT Security)
- Skills needed to make the best use of CAD systems (Eipass CAD)
- European regulation on the protection of personal data n. 2016/679 (GDPR) (Eipass DPO)
- Use of PC and application packages (Eipass 7 Standard Modules)
- IT skills essential in the health sector (Eipass Digital Health)
- Skills in the use of Social Networks for the management and promotion of projects (Eipass Social Media Manager)
At the end of the training course, after passing the final tests, a certificate with validity on the national territory is issued.
Students, employees, teachers, trainers, professionals and anyone who uses the information tools for work, study, communication, training, planning activities.